The world we live in today needs more problem-solvers, debaters, critical thinkers and global citizens than it needs convention. At Beyond 8, we want to nurture a generation of children to go against the grain by pushing the boundaries of traditional education. Free Thinkers is an online magazine that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest in the field of liberal education and beyond. Stay tuned for insights and analysis from the experts and young learners too!
While the pandemic has had a dire impact on certain sections of the society, like farmers and migrant workers, another section has inconspicuously been...
Shishir Ghosh
12 May 2020
There is a peculiar similarity in the way most cultures in the world think of high school years. These formative years are viewed as those to be...
Mihika Shankar
7 May 2020
It is officially over a month since the country has been locked down to rein in the pandemic. As learners, each one of us has had our own unique experiences with endless cycles...
Shishir Ghosh
29 April 2020
'Enough playing, start studying' is a phrase everyone hears through their life. Countless games and races have been stopped to the call of our parents dragging us back into the no play zone much
Namya Chandramouleeswaran
23 April 2020
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening!
Namya Chandramouleeswaran
21 April 2020
Liberal Education has been described as a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge, transferable skills, strong sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement - characterised by challenging encounters with important issues. It is more a way of studying than a specific course or field of study
Abhilash Warrier
3 March 2020
200 years we have been ignorant. 200 years we have been blinded. 200 years we have been failing our future generation. As a result, we have been oppressed from using our creativity, from following our passion and we have all fallen into the rat race not knowing where we are headed. Is there even a finish line to this madness?
Namya Chandramouleeswaran
28 February 2020
In today’s age of changing technology and increasing opportunities, more and more students are choosing to become entrepreneurs and to build something on their own rather than seeking traditional jobs. But what does it take to start from scratch and build a company?
Nanditha Ravindar
3 January 2020
Entrepreneurs have a special skill and are driven to create something. Their passion drives them to wake up excited every single day and making it count. Going to college and getting a Degree doesn't have this sense of purpose or immediacy.
Naveen Mahesh
2 January 2020
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