Exploring one's ikigai via theater

3 March 2020 — Written by Abhilash Warrier

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It’s a rare day indeed when young children asked and children answered some of their most fundamental questions themselves:

“What kind of a person are you: ideas, people, data, things?”

Padma, Athreya, Nithya, Nivedha, Dhanya, and Ayush are more than convinced about their decisions, their vision, their plans. Their future self, and their passions. After this teaser of a theater workshop “Exploring one’s Ikigai via Theater” facilitated by Swaminathan Ganeshan conducted through Beyond8 at Do the DAM, Dakshina Chitra Heritage Museum, ECR Chennai.

Children have and are more heart than most adults. This was confirmed as adult members of the spectators became children too even though it was for just a couple of hours.

Theater gives us that pivotal point to look at ourselves and others through an objective prism. Energized by Tai Chi, the two-hour experiential session changed the way the children talked about themselves, their future, and past selves. Spectators became truly ‘spect-actors’ and this maybe a whole new dimension to ‘breaking the fourth wall’.

Yes, there was a short speech, a song, a dance, a beautiful dream, and a child still figuring out what she wanted to do but this inner journey made the children truly happy and brought them closer to themselves.

Swami, the facilitator-turned-interviewer, enabled the children with the proven power of self-visualization of their happiest day or moment and brought out their innermost dreams and thought processes. He just acted as an efficient catalyst here.

Come, experience alternative education that’s centered around your child’s dream. Don’t take my word for it. Make it happen for your child; your child will be grateful to you forever.

And maybe, just maybe, your child too will want to gift you a Range Rover one day like Padma visualized for her father!

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