Philosophy Beyond 8

In conventional schools, passionate learners are forced to choose between academic excellence and pursuit of passions. At Beyond 8 we believe in ‘More Passions, Less Schooling”

Why Choose Between
Academics and Passions?

In conventional schools, passionate learners are forced to choose between academic excellence and pursuit of passions.

  • At Beyond 8 we believe in ‘More Passions, Less Schooling”
  • By putting passions first, our learners thrive in their academics too
  • We are hybrid by design, so learning happens everywhere
  • Our learners are not a batch, they are individuals with passions

25 Years of Innovation
& Leadership

Beyond 8 is a result of over 25 years of research and experimentation at HLC International, Chennai, co-founded by educationalists Raaji Naveen & Naveen Mahesh.

Current School System,
Over 200 Years Old

During the industrial revolution, factories needed workers. So children were sent to schools where they were divided by age into grades and subjected to State-regulated curricula; regardless of their interests or aptitude. The rise of the gig economy requires a different kind of worker. They must be empathetic, creative, collaborative and lead innovations. Conventional schools aren't designed to enable learners in these traits. Today's learners need an education that is futuristic and change ready.

  • 54% of our graduates are unemployable
  • 80% of our engineers are “not fit for any job in the knowledge economy”
  • 2.5% of engineers possess industry-required tech skills
  • 4.6% of Indian job applicants possess good coding skills

We Need an Alternative
To Schooling

"We treat education like manufacturing when it's closer to organic farming. Crops have different needs at different times. To flourish they must be fulfilled. The same can be extended to education too. At a time when traditional schooling is based on standardization and conformity, we must recognize that human communities thrive on diversity; we must, therefore, celebrate our passions and differences."

Learning Everywhere,
Not Limited to Classrooms

At Beyond 8 we believe that learning can happen anywhere and in many ways. Our learners learn in a multitude of places, all of which enable learning in different ways. Instead of thinking that learning can only be enabled in schools or colleges, we have set up learning spaces in cafes, parks, offices, libraries, community halls and homes.

  • All spaces are learning spaces
  • Learning must be connected to its usefulness to society and workplaces
  • Perfect classrooms must be exciting spaces first
  • Convenience is of secondary importance. Enable learning with excitement is the primary goal.
  • We've identified learning spaces by their usefulness in enabling learning and not by their presence together.

Our Dream is to Gift Learners
The Joy of Learning

We didn’t make this video. But we’d like for every parent to watch it before deciding on their child’s education. We see each of our learners as uniquely gifted and so we enable each to pursue his or her own passions.

Our 6-Step

Our 6-Step
Learning Framework

Our 6-step flexible learning journey framework enables our learners to explore their passions and interests, and not lose them in a ’batch’. Every learner’s journey in the Bridge Program will begin with a dream mapping conversation. This is an intense exercise done with the learner’s family to get deep insights into the learner’s personality, attitudes and strengths. More importantly, it ensures learners advance towards their aspirations.

Beyond 8

Beyond 8 provides transformative pathways for high school learners to pursue the best collegiate liberal education in India & abroad.

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