The world we live in today needs more problem-solvers, debaters, critical thinkers and global citizens than it needs convention. At Beyond 8, we want to nurture a generation of children to go against the grain by pushing the boundaries of traditional education. Free Thinkers is an online magazine that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest in the field of liberal education and beyond. Stay tuned for insights and analysis from the experts and young learners too!
From programming to computer science to controlling self-driven cars and designing cellphones, discreet mathematics forms a strong foundation. However, when the context is removed and only the "basic routine" is given importance, the joy that one derives from solving complex real-life problems is replaced by "fear of math".
Raaji Naveen
20 December 2019
There has been a lot of conversation in recent times about how tech companies are planning for the future: how they train employees; how they develop skills for remote working; what incentives they have for employees continuously up-skilling themselves...'
Naveen Mahesh
12 December 2019
One of the world's most successful people, Warren Buffet, said that a public speaking course became his most important degree. And his advice to young people was this: 'You’ve got to be able to communicate in life and it’s enormously important. If you can’t communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you’re giving up your potential.'
Naveen Mahesh
5 December 2019
In Latin, “bachelor” is baccalaureus. In English it originally meant a knight who followed another knight’s banner, or a young man who hoped to become a knight. It later addressed a junior member of a '*guild*' - an association of people for the pursuit of a common goal. Its sense of “unmarried person” came from the notion that a bachelor was young and inexperienced, just starting out and not yet established, and therefore not apt to be married. And we are only referring to a certain gender so far.
Nandini Ramesh
23 October 2019
Recent reports tell us that more and more people are getting educated these days, giving rise to an increase in enrollment rates, especially in India. It is becoming common for people to pursue further studies even after they finish an undergraduate degree. On the flip side, however, not all of those who graduate land a job.
Nanditha Ravindar
17 October 2019
The average years of schooling in the developing world has more than tripled from 1950 to 2010, but despite “finishing schooling”, children have not acquired key 21-st century skills or the right attitude required to thrive in this world.
Raaji Naveen
11 October 2019
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