Assessing a high school? Ask the right questions!

7 January 2021 — Written by Ruchi Brahmbhatt

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“Do you have any questions for us?”

At the end of a school tour - be it physical or virtual - you may have had a bird’s eye view of the campus environment, amenities and teaching methodologies. But take every opportunity you get to delve deeper into understanding if the school is really ‘the one’. By asking the right questions, you have the greatest chances of landing the right answers!

As if assessing a high school is not a herculean task already, parents sometimes forget to prepare the most pertinent questions they need to ask the staff. It is completely understandable. Even the best of us need help to make crucial schooling decisions for our children. In our latest downloadable resource: A quick and easy guide for choosing the right high school for your child, the experts weigh in on the right questions to ask on your school tour:

How welcoming did the school feel in its demeanour and what was the honest opinion your child had after the school tour?

Were you greeted with a cheery smile at the entrance or were you left waiting with nobody to speak to? Was the atmosphere buzzing with the enthusiasm of learners or was it eerily quiet with only the voice of the teachers standing out?

The first impression a school makes tells you a lot about the experience it will offer your child. Always remember to look for verbal and non-verbal cues from your child as well and take their opinions into account. There are a few factors that he or she will pick up better than us once they step into the school premises. Factors like teaching dynamism, student engagement, communication quality and respect among stakeholders give us overall feedback on whether the school offers a safe and inspiring environment for learning.

Has the school successfully adapted to the new virtual teaching methodology?

The pandemic has not been easy on any industry, but more so on education. Learners and schools alike are trying to make sense of the new virtual way of learning. While some schools have used this opportunity to continue innovating and thriving in the long run, others still struggle with the basics. A good way of assessing a high school you are considering for the long run is to get a sense of how well they are adapting their teaching methodologies to virtual environments.

When it comes to the new normal of online teaching, it is also worth knowing if the academic staff at the school is well-versed with the technology.

Does the culture of the school bode well for your family?

It is rather interesting that a school’s culture is not solely formed by the school. Parents and learners are co-creators. Before you zero in on your choice of high school, find out if the values and ideals of the school are in sync with your own. If not, examine how open you are as a family, to allow your child imbibe a new culture at school. Ideally, the school you choose for your child must mirror the environment you have cultivated at home.

VIDEO: Organizational Culture and Preparedness For The Future

One of the best gifts we can give our children is a high school experience they will cherish and thrive in. As parents, it can be extremely overwhelming to make these decisions on your own. Lean into the experts to help you get there.

Download our quick and easy guide for choosing the right high school for your child for more.

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