3 Things to keep in mind when pursuing a creative career

18 August 2021 — Written by Aishwarya Muralidhar

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Are you thinking of a career in a creative field? As a poet, an artist, perhaps a designer? While the sky’s the limit when it comes to career paths in creative spaces, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

Aparna Vinod, the founder of The Craft Caravan, has always been creative. After studying film and communication, she held positions in multiple industries. This varied from corporate communication, journalism, and the film industry. So how did Aparna start The Craft Caravan? She felt inspired by the wonder her young child exuded and channeled it into the crafts!

Here’s what Aparna has to say to young learners who are thinking of jumping into creative pursuits:

  1. Learn because you want to learn

    The world needs poets, artists, farmers. It needs everybody. Not just engineers and doctors.

    While it’s great to be inspired by people, find your own voice! Don’t try to emulate someone else’s journey or success. Craft your journey and stay true to your individuality. When you’re in the creative field, your perspective and voice is perhaps the most important thing in your arsenal.

    How do you find your voice?

    • Experiment

      Try something. Anything. And keep at it. It doesn’t matter if you’re not great at it. Making mistakes and failing is a part of the discovery process. Why should you keep trying? Because experimenting and particularly failing helps you understand what doesn’t work for you. And inches you closer to what does.

    • Make an inspiration board of your work

      When starting to find your creative voice, you might accidentally copy well-known styles. But having a visual to look to can help you make sure that you’re staying true to your style. Not quite there yet? Create a wall or a board that resembles styles that you’re leaning towards, and then experiment.

    • Nurture your creativity

      Show up. As much as you can. Leave yourself time to be creative and get into a flow. Not for a project you have to turn in, or for a deadline you have to meet. But for yourself. Nurturing your creative spark also means to step back and take a breather now and then.

Watch our full conversation with Aparna Vinod:


Your creativity is unique. When working on creative pursuits, it’s important to understand this so that you can leverage what you offer. To do so, you have to nurture and hone your creativity. Pick up new skills and practice to be the best version of yourself!

Do the arts excite you? Check out Aparna’s journey here and be inspired! For more on how we nurture young creative talent at Beyond 8, find us on our website, www.beyond8.in or talk to us on contact@beyond8.in

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